Research Areas

  • AI Safety, AI Planning, Robotics, Action-Model Learning, and Analysis of Abstractions.
  • My research focuses on safe and reliable behavior of AI agents. I am currently investigating the minimal set of requirements in an AI system that would enable a user to assess and understand the limits of its safe operability. In the past, I have worked in the area of bio-inspired robotics, speech processing, and internet of things.


Work Experience

  • 2018-2024
    Graduate Research Associate
    Arizona State University.
    • Investigating the minimal set of interfaces in an AI system that would enable a user to assess and understand the limits of its safe operability.
    • Developed a framework which generates interrogation policies to derive the human interpretable model of an autonomous agent.
    • Reduced the STRIPS-model comparison to a planning problem which enabled identifying if two models are not same.
    • Modified FF-planner to take PDDL models, initial state, plan as input, and give the final state as output.
    • Co-designed the experiments showcasing possible use-case of an NSF project on training lay people to use adaptive AI systems which are safe, robust, and reliable.
  • 05-08 2023
    Research Scientist Intern - AI
    • Working on intersection of AI and Reality Labs.
    • Developed a proof of concept system for curriculum personalization using sequential decision making.
  • 2015-2018
    Storage Efficiency Developer
    NetApp Inc.
    • Workload Prediction: Predicted workload on a storage volume based on I/O patterns for All Flash systems. This helped in optimizing data storage and management while keeping the nature of data private to the users.
    • File and Volume Clones: Developed features and managed issues related to file and volume clones on UNIX-based NetApp proprietary WAFL file system so as to improve the storage efficiency of enterprise data servers.
    • Co-developed a file system component which prevented data loss if files and volumes are cloned or modified when cloud backup is offline.
  • 2012-2013
    iOS Applications Developer
    Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.
    • Portfolio Management Applications: Built applications for iPhone and iPad, and developed tools so as to analyze the user portfolio in an interactive way.
    • Cross-platform Applications: Cross-platform mobile application development of mobile applications supported on both Android and iOS.

Teaching Experience

  • Spring'22
    Teaching Assistant for a graduate-level Artificial Intelligence Course at Arizona State University.
    • CSE 571 Artificial Intelligence: Ongoing course.
    • Taught by Prof. Siddharth Srivastava.
    • Delivered hands-on problem solving sessions on Planning Graphs, Markov Decision Processes, Reinforcement Learning, and Neural Networks.
    • Co-created the software testbed used to support the course projects.
    • Created and graded homework assignments.
  • Fall'19
    Teaching Assistant for a graduate-level Artificial Intelligence Course at Arizona State University.
    • CSE 571 Artificial Intelligence.
    • Taught by Prof. Siddharth Srivastava.
    • Delivered tutorials on Constraint Satisfaction Problems, PDDL, First Order Logic, and Dynamic Bayesian Networks.
    • Co-created the software testbed used to support the course projects.
    • Created and graded homework assignments.
    • Mentored project groups working on class projects.
  • Fall'14
    Teaching Assistant for a graduate-level Speech Processing Course at IIT Guwahati, India.
    • CS 566 Speech Processing.
    • Taught by Prof. Pradip K. Das.
    • Mentored students working on class projects and homeworks.
    • Graded homework assignments and exams.
  • 2013-2015
    Teaching Assistant for several undergraduate-level Computer Science Lab-Courses at IIT Guwahati, India.


Honors and Awards

Certifications and Training

  • IBM Certified Database Associate - DB2 Universal Database V9 Family.
  • Microsoft First Look Clinic Training - Microsoft Windows Server 2009.
  • Use Case Modeling and Analysis - IBM Center of Excellence.